Propofol-®Lipuro 10 mg/ml
Produkt anfragen
Emulsion for injection or infusion.
Rapid onset intravenous aneaesthetics.
Propofol-®Lipuro 10 mg/ml is a short-acting intravenous general anaesthetic for
- induction and maintenance of general anaesthesia in adults and children > 1 month
- sedation of ventilated patients >16 years of age in the intensive care unit
- sedation for diagnostic and surgical procedures, alone or in combination with local or regional anaesthesia in adults and children > 1 month
- induction of sedation for diagnostic and surgical procedures
Available in:
- glass ampoule: 10 ml / 20 ml
- infusion bottle: 50 ml / 100 ml
- injection vial: 20 ml
- Significant reduction of injection pain 2
- Rapid onset and quick recovery
- Good anesthesia control